Kick-off meeting of the project
20th of August, 2024
Launching event of the project
17th of December, 2024
Visit to a wind turbine in Fiefs, France
On November 14th 2024, teams from ULCO and UMONS, border partners in the Salomé Interreg project, visited a WinWind WWD3 (3MW) wind turbine in Fiefs, France. This first site visit, facilitated by Innovent, was essential to effectively plan the installation of new fibre optic sensors, as well as to assess the optimal positioning of instruments for measuring atmospheric conditions, in particular those dedicated to wind analysis.

Kick-off meeting of the project :
🗓 August 20, 2024
📍 Université de Mons
Agenda : Presentation of the partner's activities

Lauching event of the Salomé Project
🗓 December 17, 2024
📍 Université de Mons
Agenda : Presentations by the partners and invited persons working in the field of the project
Launching conference of SALOME
The launching conference of SALOME Interreg FWVL project funded by the Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen program was held on the 17th of December at UMONS.
During the half-day conference, we had the pleasure to bring together industry experts, researchers, and academics to discuss various aspects relating to development, integration, maintenance, and control of offshore wind turbines.
Special thanks to all our speakers from SALOME project, Loïc Tilman from Elia, and Spyridon Iason Dizes from ENTSO-E as well as all the conference attendees.
SALOME aims to facilitate a fatigue-informed integration of offshore wind farms in the day-ahead and reserve electricity markets via a dynamic monitoring approach considering the atmospheric phenomena.