Dynamic monitoring of offshore wind turbines subject to atmospheric phenomena for optimized participation in electricity markets

Dynamic monitoring of offshore wind turbines subject to atmospheric phenomena for optimized participation in electricity markets
The running of the project will be achieved through close cross-border collaboration, combining the expertise and know-how of six research labs in France, Wallonia and Flanders, namely:
Advanced Photonic Sensors Department, University of Mons, and Multitel Research Centre, Belgium for distributed and quasi-distributed fibre optic sensors,
Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphère Laboratory and Laboratoire d'Océanologie et de Géosciences, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, France for modelling of the maritime atmospheric environment and fluid mechanics,
Electrical Power Engineering Department, University of Mons and Electrical Energy Laboratory, Ghent University, Belgium for offshore wind turbine control and decision-making in electricity markets.
Other operators are also associated to the project as members of the advisory board.
Advisory board
Three main operators, Cluster TWEED, Pôle MEDEE, De Blauwe Cluster, each composed of clusters of companies active in the sustainable energy sector are involved in the SALOME project as external members of the advisory board.
The advisory board will act as a facilitator for the SALOME consortium, enabling the various partners to benefit from the Cluster's network of industrial partners, which is very important to ensure the sustainability and transferability of the results to the end users.
To meet a growing energy demand and in the meantime to achieve energy transition and carbon neutrality by 2050, the North Sea will host new offshore wind farms equipped with the latest generation of wind turbines. These new offshore structures will require continuous predictive control and dynamic management, given that they will be subject to considerable atmospheric phenomena and mechanical forcing, particularly when these wind turbines are required to provide auxiliary services to the power grid ('frequency-power regulation'). Indeed, the latter will require an abrupt change in the operating point of the wind turbines, which will generate a significant additional structural load, accelerating fatigue and ageing of the turbines. Optimized decision-making needs to take into consideration all the parameters impacting the structure of the offshore wind turbine and limiting its lifetime.
Pilot site
Offshore wind farm pilot sites are strategic areas for testing and validating technologies under real-life conditions.
The objective of the SALOME project is to demonstrate a pilot site consisting of an offshore wind turbine equipped with optical fiber sensors that provide real-time mechanical data correlated with climatic conditions for cost-effective participation in ancillary services to the power grid
4 partners
3 clusters
4 years European funding Interreg
SALOME project offers a new scientific strategy for dynamic management and predictive maintenance of offshore wind turbines.
The project aims to develop innovative decision support tool to ensure a cost-effective contribution for balancing the power grid through improving the lifetime of offshore wind turbines.
This tool includes atmospheric and mechanical models supported by measurement data representative of the environment and structural loads to which the offshore wind turbines are subjected.